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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - snarl


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  ворчание; рычание; ворчать; рычать; огрызаться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. узел; (спутанный) клубок 2. запутанное положение, путаница; беспорядок a snarl in traffic —- затор в уличном движении 3. путать, запутывать to snarl one's hair —- спутать волосы 4. путаться, спутываться; переплетаться (также snarl together) 5. заманить в ловушку; впутать (в какое-либо дело) 6. ам. (часто snarl up) приводить в беспорядок; путать, осложнять to snarl a simple problem —- запутать (осложнить) простой вопрос the traffic is snarled, the traffic snarled up —- произошел затор в уличном движении 7. сбить с толку, запутать your stupid questions snarl me up —- ваши дурацкие вопросы меня сбивают с толку 8. рычание, ворчание (животного) 9. воркотня, ворчание, брюзжание to answer with a snarl —- буркнуть в ответ 10. сердитое замечание 11. злобное, злое выражение (лица) 12. рычать, ворчать (о животном) the dog snarls at strangers —- собака рычит на посторонних 13. ворчать, брюзжать; огрызаться to snarl against smth. —- ворчать по поводу чего-либо he snarled at us —- он ворчал на нас 14. злиться, сердиться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) приводить в беспорядок, путать, запутывать The wool has got all snarled up, so I shall have to cut it.  б) сбить с толку, запутать; вызвать беспорядок There are various means of snarling up the opposition in this election. As there is no post, everyone uses the telephones, which has snarled up the whole system. SNARL I  1. noun  1) рычание  2) ворчание  2. v.  1) рычать; огрызаться (о животном); Whats the matter with the dog - he snarled at me as I arrived.  2) сердито ворчать, брюзжать; Jim has a bad habit of snarling at people who disagree with him. II  1. noun  1) спутанные нитки, спутанный клубок  2) путаница, беспорядок  2. v.  1) смешивать, спутывать  2) приводить в беспорядок - snarl up ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) петля на проволоке, затянутая до отказа (при испытании на разрыв) 2) текст. сукрутина (дефект нити) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (of a dog) make an angry growl with bared teeth. 2 intr. (of a person) speak cynically; make bad-tempered complaints or criticisms. 3 tr. (often foll. by out) a utter in a snarling tone. b express (discontent etc.) by snarling. --n. the act or sound of snarling. Derivatives snarler n. snarlingly adv. snarly adj. (snarlier, snarliest). Etymology: earlier snar f. (M)LG, MHG snarren 2. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up) twist; entangle; confuse and hamper the movement of (traffic etc.). 2 intr. (often foll. by up) become entangled, congested, or confused. 3 tr. adorn the exterior of (a narrow metal vessel) with raised work. --n. a knot or tangle. Phrases and idioms snarling iron an implement used for snarling metal. snarl-up colloq. a traffic jam; a muddle; a mistake. Etymology: ME f. snare (n. & v.): sense 3 perh. f. noun in dial. sense 'knot in wood' ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, to trap, entangle, probably frequentative of snaren to snare  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to cause to become knotted and intertwined ; tangle  2. to make excessively complicated  intransitive verb to become ~ed  • ~er noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e snare, noose, probably from ~en, verb  Date: 1609  1. a tangle especially of hairs or thread ; knot  2. a tangled situation traffic ~s  • ~y adjective  III. verb  Etymology: frequentative of obsolete English snar to growl; akin to Middle Low German snorren to drone, rattle  Date: 1589  intransitive verb  1. to growl with a snapping, gnashing, or display of teeth  2. to give vent to anger in surly language  transitive verb to utter or express with a ~ or by ~ing  • ~er noun  IV. noun  Date: 1613 a surly angry growl  • ~y adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (snarls, snarling, snarled) 1. When an animal snarls, it makes a fierce, rough sound in its throat while showing its teeth. He raced ahead up into the bush, barking and snarling... The dogs snarled at the intruders. VERB: V, V at n • Snarl is also a noun. With a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel. N-COUNT 2. If you snarl something, you say it in a fierce, angry way. ‘Let go of me,’ he snarled... I vaguely remember snarling at someone who stepped on my foot... ‘Aubrey.’ Hyde seemed almost to snarl the name. VERB: V with quote, V at n, V n • Snarl is also a noun. His eyes flashed, and his lips were drawn back in a furious snarl. N-COUNT 3. A snarl is a disorganized mass of things. She was tangled in a snarl of logs and branches. N-COUNT: usu with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 if an animal snarls it makes a low angry sound and shows its teeth + a  (The alsatian snarls at strangers.) 2 to speak or say something in a nasty angry way  ("Shut up, " he snarled.) 3 also snarl up T usually passive to prevent traffic from moving  (The traffic was snarled up on both sides of the road.) - snarl n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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